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Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

My furniture refinishing project turned out very well, by the way.  It took about two weeks, with the drying time between coats and all, but the result was very satisfactory to me.  We had family over for Easter and lately we've all been sick with colds/strep.  I think we are coming out of the depths now and will be having more positive life experiences to report soon. 

I had heard that the interest in the royal wedding was very low this time around.  When Charles and Diane were married 30 years ago many more people were interested in the event.  That was the same year that Brooke and I were wed, so we felt something in common with the new couple.  Funny how it all turned out. 

I thought it would be fun to get up to see the wedding of William and Kathryn today.  I know if Gloria were still around, she would have been up for it.  My Mother also, I'm sure would have liked to witness it.  It's history.  It's a connection and it's a positive renewal.  I have no negative feelings toward the royals.  I'd love to be a royal family member.  Kenneth Edwin, Lord of Genesee County.

I'd much rather have the royal family to talk about than the celebrities in the United States, or sports figures.  It all seems like such a waste of time. 

Anyway I enjoyed the wedding.  I noticed many of the people were not singing the hymns as the service called for.  Just like church services here.  More men seemed to be singing than women.  The women, I noticed, wore elaborate hats and I noticed two heavy women with especially horrible hats that, when I saw them, I thought they reminded me of Cinderella's mean step-sisters.  It turns out they were some cousins who have been having some difficulties with William lately.  Isn't that fun!

If I had a newspaper or magazine I would start a section on following the Royals.  Start with Englands and if it were successful, add in some of the others.  I know Denmark has Royals.  They go out biking amongst the commoners! 

The way things are going in America, maybe we should throw ourselves on the mercy of the Royal family and tell them to please take us back.  We can't make it on our own.