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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nation Lost

Hi all.  It is early morning on a Saturday.  I am up with the dog and cat.  I am going to break with an unstated "rule" and write about politics.  More to explain myself than to change any minds out there.

I was terribly disappointed in the results of the last election.  The choice of Mitt Romney over our President seemed abundantly clear, yet he lost.  

This has lead to many questions.  Mainly what are people voting for; or against.  Politicians use many techniques to get votes.  I don't know them all.  The parties do know them and will use them without shame.  To them it is just a game and all is fair.  If you can "paint" your opponent as mean, aloof, not one-of-us etc., and win with that strategy, then hooray, you won the game.  Never mind the lying and misrepresentation.

I didn't give politics and government too much thought until I was in my late thirties.  Most young people don't think about it too much.  The young are more idealistic and want "fairness" in the world. I was like that, too.  Robin Hood was cool, I thought, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor.  I guess it turns out that it was really more about over taxation by bad Prince John.  For me it was Maid Marian and archery.  

We don't live in an idealistic world, however.  The real world is very competitive and tough.   It is probably even worse than I know.  I've had it pretty easy and lived a sheltered life.  But, like Chris Farly says in the role of a motivational speaker, "You'll find out that you don't amount to "Jack-Squat".  You'll find yourself eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a Van, down by the river!"

Back to what happened in my late thirties.  My oldest son, Curtis told me about Rush Limbaugh.  Rush was a wacko right-winger on the radio, I had been told. I started listening to see what my son found appealing.  Rush was entertaining, funny and smart. He is not a Republican, he is a conservative.  The Democratic Party was much more conservative especially with Kennedy, by the way.  The thing that really startled me with Rush was when he was talking about some recent occurrance and predicted how it would be reported in the news.  A couple of days later here was the story on the evening news and being portrayed exactly as Rush had predicted.

I was impressed and still listen.  I still have my own mind, with my own thoughts.  I am concerned for the future of the country.  The human mind is pliable when young. When it sets, it is more like concrete, you don't want to change it.  Peace out.