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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Why was Jones so great?

Now George Jones has passed on.  He may have
been my favorite singer of all, but Elvis and Roy Orbison make me a liar there. Favorite country singer for sure.
Without much thought or knowledge one might think he was just a drunk with a good voice.  That will only get you so far. George I have read, worked at his craft and developed himself beyond the honky tank singer. His voice had a certain timbre? I'm not sure of the word, but it spoke to me like I was listening to a close friend or relative. I trusted what he said.

If you watch some of his performances you notice the great backup musicians and other things that go into making a polished product.
I'm sure glad he made so many recordings.  I read he charted more hits than anyone. I loved him.  There were times in my life when I heard one of his songs and it was perfect for me at that time.  Try "The Cold Hard Truth" on for size or "Walls Can Fall".  So many classics.  "He Stopped Loving Her Today" may be his best known.  "The Door" was powerful when I got divorced and there was a point when the goodbye was final and the door closed. I know he affected millions of people the same way.

I think whoever did the video for Walls, really screwed up.  Great men like George, me and you can really get screwed over by lesser people who don't have the AUTHENTICITY, Heart and Soul that we do.  It is understood, (unfortunate), and forgiven. I'm listening to "If Drinking Don't Kill Me" right now.  Thanks, George. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Grading my first round of golf

Watching the Masters usually puts me in a golfing frame of mind.  The temperature was close to 70 today so I thought I'd get out of the house and see how the golf swing was.

I had an accident yesterday.  While chasing Zeke to get him back into the house, I aparently forgot that we had a fairly large step from the porch down to the first level of the sidewalk.  I think the first things to hit were my knees.  Then maybe my right hand, broom(I was carrying) left hand and my face.
I hadn't been drinking at that point so maybe I'm just losing it.  Since the incident, I'm a little shook up.  So, I didn't know if this would affect my golf.

Since I was out in the Spring air I thought I'd try to start my convertible.  After sitting all Winter in the garage I was quite sure the result of turning the key would be nothing.  Instead, I heard the engine turn over and start as though it had been sitting for no more than a week.  This was a minor miracle! Shades of Sleeper.  So, I cleared a path and drove out to the golf course in my VW.

I'm being pressured for time now so to finish quickly, my driving and long woods get a B+.  The long irons C+.  The mid irons A-. Wedge D and putting B.  It was a nice afternoon and I plan on spending many many more out there this Summer.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Dreams

Thought I'd share the dreams flowing through my fertile mind this morning. I must warn you that I watched an episode of Sherlock Holmes last night just before retiring.  This is a BBC version of Sherlock Holmes and takes place in present day London for the most part.

The first dream I recall I found myself in a car? that was moving down a street, but I was not at the controls of the car.  I'm not sure anyone was. The drivers seat was two rows ahead of me.  I reached over and somehow released the back of one of the seats ahead of me and that resolved the situation.  Apparently there were two other people in the car with me then.  We were approaching an intersection at which our "street" did not cross.  The house directly across the intersection was a small house and that is where Trey Burke lived.  He and Tim Hardaway Junior were on the porch preparing to deliver their paper route.  They both had T-shirts on that had 816 E. Third St. on the front.  That was our old address in Flint.  Today is the day Trey is to announce whether he's leaving Michigan to turn pro.  It is expected he is and that Hardaway probably will also.  The car I was in turned left and turned into the driveway between Trey's house and the next-door neighbor's house.  I said, something like,"Don't go in here, turn around."  We started turning around but several people came out of the two houses and invited us to hang out with them.
Trey's grandmother lived in that house.  We sat around a large table that was outside and we were offered Pot.  One of the women said that the local dealer had been by a couple of weeks ago and had some good Shag? I don't recall the name now. She was going to go and get some of her stash so we could experience the good stuff.  Everyone started pulling money from their pockets to buy the good dope.

Dream two took place in the desert.  It involved working as a team,  setting up a small plot of ground.  I know not what for.  We were being led by President Obama in this effort.  Mom/Brooke was working on it and was on the phone talking to Emma reporting how well I was participating. The whole project was based on one that had been abandoned  years ago by Walt Disney.  

Dream three combined a boomerang and the 14 year old golfer from China who is playing at The Masters this week end.  What? You say Who is on first? No, who is playing at The Masters.  Except his name isn't Who .  It is Guan. My dream thoughts combining the boomerang with golf was that this kid was playing golf in a different way.  He plays in total harmony with the golf course.  This includes the conditions and movement of the air above it.  I think most of us see golf as a challenge and the wind is an element to be fought and conquered.  The new way is to use the conditions as they are presented.  Remember the speech by Bill Murry in Caddy Shack.  He was speaking of caddying for the Dalai Lama with the flowing robes. That may be the new "Way".

Food for thought.