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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Life's Eddys

How did I end up with this title?  Well, I was thinking about where my life is now.  When you retire it's kinda like being out of the main stream.  When one goes over to the side of the stream one thing that is encountered is eddy currents.  They swirl and sometimes go back upstream for a ways.  Like reflecting on the past. Whatever,  I also have been reading Keith Richard's auto biography, "Life".   It is quite good, and so I suppose it goes along with my title.  Also there is a part in there where the newly forming Stones were referring to all the day-to-day people as Eddies. Based on people encountered in a restaurant they frequented, all seemed to be named Eddie.  I am only about a fifth of the way through the book, but I recommend it justfor that part.  

Keith Richards is about a year older than me.  He tells of his youth and what it was like in post WWII England.  What school was like.  It was similar to my youth.  When you're a young boy there is a lot of fighting and bullying on the playground etc.
After the war there were people living in this area near his house.  It was a swampy area I believe along a river.  Some homeless people lived there.  Left over from the war still thinking it was going on.  Some mental cases.  Must have been a strange place to be with people running and hiding.  Maybe like hobo areas here in the states.  As he said, "Some of them were mean. He was shot by someone with an air rifle there." I take back those quote marks- I'm paraphrasing.

I thought it was funny that The Rolling Stones had a gig playing at a party for Lady Lampson early in their carrier.  

The weather here is very cold these days.  I'm talking about Jan. 2013.  I've been putting up plastic film on the windows to save some heat.  It does help.  I'm still in the aftermath of the hypnosis seminar. Figuring out how to send Links to people so they can get the deepening audio file that I put in my Dropbox.  I'm pretty sure I got it, finally.

I want to make some progress with guitar now.  It's been going along slowly but steadily.  This time of year is the worst in Michigan.  Things start to pick up in March.  Groundhog Day is coming up soon.
Be of good cheer.  


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hypnosis Party in side bedroom

 I wrote this to Jake and Emma, thought I'd paste it here too.  The "party" was to allow me to practice giving a self-hypnosis talk.

Aunt Elizabeth(not her real name) and the next door neighbors
attended.  They learned a lot about hypnosis and were very interested
in the process.  Bob(fake) had done some reading on it and had some good
questions.  Elizabeth said her sister , Monica(fake name), uses a hypnosis tape

  Tammy-Lynn(fake) has a problem with going along with the relaxation etc.  Even
though I said just pretend and play along.  She couldn't let herself
do it.  Maybe some trust issues. Who knows, but that kinda disrupted
things.  We didn't accomplish the goal of learning and practicing
giving yourself suggestions.  It was instructional for all though.

I will probably do it again.  I will make some changes and am sure it
will be much better.  I think Friday night is a bad choice of
time...people too tired.  Maybe serve Red Bull instead of wine.  The
mind should be alert for hypnosis.
All in all it was great from my perspective.  I learned about uses for
the tablet; speech to text, audio files and drop box.  I also reviewed
a lot of information on hypnosis.

So, the event was useful and fun.  I'm learning more about internet fakery though.  One thing that came up in our table talk, while drinking wine and eating snacks, people write blogs for other people just to keep their numbers up.  This keeps their google listing higher.  I wonder if we need two internets.  They'd probably both get corrupted.

I did give an example of giving yourself a suggestion and ever since I want to"Exercise every day and love it."

Written by Ken Lamson(real name)