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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Keeping Up

Thought I'd write something while it is still 2014.  Hope it was a good year for you.  I can't complain.
We've been thinking that maybe it's time for us to take the foot off the gas a bit.  We are always so go, go, go, we aren't smelling the roses enough. I know when I just let things come to me I'm more in tune with my environment...more at peace. There is a word for this balance in the Navaho language. I think it is called horzo.

I did buy a used Food Saver over the holidays. I had seen a youtube video on using one to cure pot.  The guy said it can cut the curing time in half.  The machines have many uses other than that, especially if you are a Prepper.  My brother-in-law said they use them to store the game they kill.  Can you imagine cutting up a Caribou into small chunks that will fit into quart sized bags?  I get interested in something like this and have to follow it to it's conclusion. If you stop by for lunch some day there will be many left overs that will be very fresh.

May you walk in beauty in 2015.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tough Winter

Hi...just keeping in touch.  If you aren't aware of it, this was one of the worst winters ever.  In Michigan we have had such a long period of below freezing temperatures that snow is a couple of feet high.  I used my snow blower for about the sixth time this season...normally two or three uses will get one through the winter.  This doesn't count the times that someone else has done my walks for me. The Great Lakes froze over for only the fifth time. I know I'm whining, that's why I have a blog.

A squirrel was hanging from our kitchen window last week!  Did he want food?  Heat? A conversation?  Later he was nose to nose through the window with our cat Zeke!

My daughter said she was hearing sounds in the bedroom walls.  I also heard some.  Just last week my wife saw signs that mice were chewing things up in the window seat in the bathroom and later in some kitchen drawers.  We cleaned things up and I put out D-con.  Zeke caught two mice on successive days.  None since.  Mice have consumed a lot of bait but today I noticed a slow down. We also had some car problems.  

I'm wondering when the locusts are coming.  

The temperature is finally rising a bit and we will have some melting and rain later this week.  Soon we will run away from it all for a week.  We are visiting my son in Orlando and my brother in Vero Beach for a week.  Then we'll come back for the rest of this winter season.  Much of the country has had to suffer through this also, so welcome to the club.  Don't feel like the lone ranger. Keep a stiff upper lip and cheerio mate. Good times are coming!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Deep Relaxation

About a month ago I received a recording of a transcript which when listened to, and followed, would lead the listener into a very deep state of relaxation.  I uploaded it to my Drop box.  There it lay undisturbed until yesterday.

I had been shoveling snow and when I came in I noticed my heart was beating fast and this was continuing on longer than I wanted.  The heart beat did slow and as I rested I decided to listen to that recording.  My reaction surprised me. I had listened to this once before and had read the written text.  This time was different.  I don't want to say too much because I might affect your experience when you listen to it. 

Here is what I would like to do.  If you are willing to do this for me(and yourself) I propose the following.  Three groups of "guinea pigs" would be designated.  Group I will listen to the audio file one time only.  They will send me an email describing their reactions to listening to the file.  
Group II will listen to the file for 5 consecutive days..Monday-Friday.  Then they send in their report.  
Group III does the same thing for a second week.  After five consecutive days, take the week-end off and do 5 more days. Then send in your report.

I will report the results to each of you. I'll put it in a blog, too.  E-mail me ( ) and I'll send you the link.  Also indicate which group you want to be in.  The recording takes about 30-40 minutes of undisturbed time to listen to with your eyes closed.

Looking forward to your emails...This should be an international sample.