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Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Golf Lesson

I finally decided to take a golf lesson.  I play almost exclusively at Tyrone Hills just south of Fenton.  The pro/general manager there is a pleasant fellow named Dennis.  Last year I spoke to him about a lesson, and the problem I was having with ball contact.  I didn't want to have the lesson at that time; end of the season.  I thought Spring would be best so I could have practice time for a few weeks after the lesson.  I've played enough this year to get my swing/body ready.  Yesterday I called and got an afternoon appointment.

I think Dennis felt he needed to include some golf type information to make the lesson more authentic.
With me, that isn't necessary.  But in covering some basics there is a likelihood that a key piece of information will be mentioned.  That was the case yesterday.  I learned at least four different things about the golf swing.  If not learning them, I knew them, but they were confirmed by a pro.  I'll share the main strategy for improvement.  He had me hit some chip shots...he had me take some practice swings to get the proper contact with the ground...I hit some chips to get the proper contact with ball and ground.  Some of this is a feel and a sound.  Then we moved on to a 4 iron.  I hit several shots with that to get my contact there.

He told me I had a good swing and not to start thinking about my shoulders or anything.  Also, let my head turn to follow the ball (I was keeping my head down too long).  

It was a worthwhile lesson.  The cost was $40.  I'm looking forward to practicing and playing with my improved game.  

I'll let you know when I break 80 without cheating.    

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Day in the Life

Another Monday, and I thought I would chronicle it with a blog.  
My daughter's family had been here this week end while she spent the time with a few internet friends in Indiana.  We had a great time here with Suhitha, Gabe and Omar.  I could write the whole blog on that, but I  wanted to concentrate on Monday's activities.  The kids are great though.  So vibrant and full of life and energy and fun.  The weather was great so we could play outside. Gabe can make baskets now with a small basketball or a volleyball.
The regulation basketball is too heavy for him to throw high enough.  The sand box was used.  They went for a walk in the big wagon...Suhitha pulled.  We got breadsticks from the Fenton House.  Sunday Uncle Matt and Aunt Rissa came over for dinner.

So, Mom and I were exhausted when they left for Toronto.  Monday Morning I was still sleeping in the Mexican Room and heard music playing at about 7AM.  I got up at 7:30 and turned off the alarm that for some reason had gone off in our bedroom, and Mom had ignored, as she was sleeping in Gilmour's old room.

I came down to a slight mess of kid's toys and books.  Brooke had taken care of dishes the night before-bless her heart.  I had some coffee and recopied a list of some things to do.  Top item was to mail a few things out to Martyna and Jake.  It took forever to assemble the stuff.  Plus, when you add the psychological gamesmanship that always goes on with Brooke and me, it's a standoff for quite a while.  (We still haven't done our taxes!) This seems stupid since we worry about spending too much on small items, but now we will have a large fine to pay.

Sorry, to have this turn negative, but really I'm very happy.  I accomplished the first item on the list.  The package should arrive in about 5 days.(no more than 15)  

Actually, I have started each of my last three to-do lists with BE HAPPY. So that helps.  On with my Monday...I agreed to get something from the car from Mom...she said it was a Big Favor.  Also, since she got me to do that, I guess, she said she would put away the kid's toys if I would collect them all. 

I decided to paint a little more on the sidebedroom trim.  I painted a little while and then noticed my brush had broken!  I thought this was a very good brush and would last for years.  So, I have been repairing and re-repairing it today.  Why can't I just throw it away?  I enjoy fixing things.  I did use Google to try to find out if that brush was any good and I think it is just okay.  But I did learn how professional painters clean their brushes. So, I spent an hour cleaning brushes and finally got to my third significant thing  I did today...I went to Tyrone Hills and played nine-holes of golf.

I used my pull cart for the first time this year and despite a terrible beginning, had a pretty good round.  I played the back nine.  If you know how most golf courses are laid out, usually nine holes will go around the outside of the property and the other nine will be on the inside.  The 9th hole should end up near the clubhouse.  The 18th hole also will end up near the clubhouse.  Also the first tee and 10th tee will be by the clubhouse.  I wanted to play the back, as my first two rounds this year had been on the front.  Since the front nine has a lot of holes running along adjoining properties(many of which are rough) one expects to find more golf balls on this nine.  Just walk over in the woods or high grass and you will most likely find some.  Part of my mental score is determined by how many balls I gain.

 My very first shot, (Drive on 10) was errant, to the left, and glanced off a small tree.  While looking for my ball, I found two others(up two in balls gained) but then I dropped one down to continue the hole.  I made two miserable attempts and then found my original ball.  I reset my score, declaring my bad shots were hit with a provisional ball.  I finished out the hole with a score of 7.  Well, this is interesting only to me. If you play the game,  there is a lot of fun to be had out there.  I came home tired and in pain. I must have found 8 balls today. The game is coming along and I look forward to my next round. 

I'm rested up now though and am ready to try the second repair on the paint brush.