Emma and family are coming over tonight. Brooke and I just, "Speed Cleaned" the house for an hour so when the toys and food etc. get left around, it will be clean underneath. Maybe we should just spray everything with an even coating of Pam to facilitate clean up. This isn't true Speed Cleaning but Brooke calls it that,to get my participation. Valleys Of Neptune
Our plants that we are starting from seeds again this year are doing great. The hops are doing very well and from what I've read the one that was in doubt is well known as a late bloomer.
So the desperate house husband isn't quite so desperate today. Next week is my return visit to the hospital. We'll set up Surgery II and until I go in for that I will probably be able to play some golf and get some things done around here.
Thanks for checking in and take care of yourself.
That will be one shirt for Grampa, one for grandma, one for everyone on our Christmas list...hmm